“So one candle is lit and another blown out.”
The violence of war is saddening and a tragedy to have to witness.
Whether it be terrible acts committed towards innocent human beings by anyone, the people who get hurt always get left behind.
I’d like to say a prayer for them all today.
I pray for the healing of all the most put upon human beings in the world.
The forgotten people who were pushed to the background by those seeking to “win” and be loved.
Though I do not know their names I know that over the decades they have existed.
I only know the names of those who dropped the bombs.
I only hear of the ones who did unspeakable cruel and violent acts to innocent people.
I thought I knew about history but I was wrong.
I never understood those black and white pictures, those names and those dates.
I never felt the pain of witnessing a million people become monsters and suddenly wish to harm and seek revenge upon others.
The history books lied to me.
They told me it was all over and that it couldn’t happen again.
They showed me fragments of what they said happened, but they couldn’t touch me.
They told me but I couldn’t see, hear, feel or believe it.
It’s the pain and trauma of a human war.
A human war which hurts people who were just born underneath it.
All of them are united as forgotten souls taken by a human war.
Taken by the war itself.
So one candle is lit and another blown out.
The ones whose names are now read out in Heaven.
Neither side of a war can claim them.
They rest now peacefully side by side as united forgotten special souls.
May we all rest with kindness.
And may kindness light us tomorrow.