“The most destructive weapons of war are masquerading as creative tools while secretly eroding the human mind.”
Technology has consumed the entire planet and is radicalising and angering millions of people.
The entire world is being turned into a war zone and minds are being manipulated and crushed.
No one understands what is going on until they step away and try to regain their sanity.
Wars will be waged because of what the social media and technology is doing to people’s behaviour.
Just being forced to use the tools makes people angry.
The belligerent companies bully us all into senseless upgrades and exploit us all for our creativity and energy.
Arrogant businesses have shut down human customer service and left people automated robots who madden and inflame everyone.
The human being must psychologically bow down to the new world order.
This is the reason for riots, violence, polarisation and snap judgements leading to hatred and mistrust.
The most destructive weapons of war are masquerading as creative tools while secretly eroding the human mind.
Like backward animals we have been trained to depend on unfeeling tech companies ran by sociopaths.
The people finance their security and protection via taxes.
The sociopaths pay no tax and compulsively lie to get what they want.
The new nazi style propagandists and arms dealers all live in Silicon Valley.
They build our weapons of war.
They build the new propaganda machines of hate.
They own the resources.
They instigate wars between us which their entire business model was built to profit from.
They are the new merchants of death.
Forget cigarette companies.
Social media and technology is more dangerous than smoking.
Dangerous of course to the mind.
Expect a mental health crisis of the kind humanity has never seen before.
The destruction of the human soul has already now happened.
Minds are burning.
Lives are taken.
Death. Chaos. Hell. Destruction.
And that was the news with Frederick Roussel.
Thanks for tuning in.