“Our world is only what yesterday just made it and so tomorrow will always be at stake, as we yearn to guide the planet away from today’s cruelty and into tomorrow’s kindness.”


Perhaps the first cruel act started it all thousands of years ago, and throughout the ages it went through various people, themselves unwilling vessels of cruelty.

Cruelty isn’t who we are, it’s just a darkness that passes through us and occasionally won’t let go. The cruelty begins as a kind of small seed of light, a kind of sharp cutting light which gets inside a person’s heart and begins to eat away at them. Then they realise what’s been going on, but only sadly after omitting it outwards to the next person, who internalises it.

It’s really like a disease, is our friend cruelty. Our bitter unhappy friend who taunts us in our sleep and who attempts to remake the world around us out of one of universal peace and contentment, harmony and bliss and into one of bitter cold and icy fury, burning rage and feelings of resentment.

When we walk the path of cruelty with our brothers and sisters, we walk together destroying ourselves into the bitter icy cold flames.

Presidents and leaders, bosses, capitalists, people who commit acts of violence towards innocent others, drug lords and bandits, they are all engaged in a sour dance of acts of cruelty in exchange for a winter’s supply of cold hard cash.

We watch them from our screens and hear their voices shout into our airwaves, we listen as our lives are changed by some unintentional hand shakes in the heart of silicon valley.

And where is silicon valley? It is just a happy part of the USA, where well meaning business people arrange to make something magic happen in the past, and build our new world and future.

Even though they mostly had great intentions, some of their plans have driven up cruelty and have not meant to profit from this, but have done so.

The beautiful sound of innovation is harmed by the alarms of mischief and bullying, and of misdirected desires, a desperate need for approval and affection, and a longing for change.

Our world is only what yesterday just made it and so tomorrow will always be at stake, as we yearn to guide the planet away from today’s cruelty and into tomorrow’s kindness.